welcome to wiztech automation solution
Embedded systems could be an electronic system it's a combination of hardware and software to run a control function. During this hardware means we in the main use electronic devices and components, software means micro processor connected coding and c language is very much useful to design an embedded system in Chennai.
In this method the software plays a key role, once we written code, which will execute on hardware to do some specific tasks of a really massive system which is obliviously electronics cased application. This software will be in the within the type of Random Access Memory or in past days we used to store this in Disks and floppies, we will store it in flash memory also.
- This will no need to so much of machinery; it will run on a single machine, so area and cost will be reduced.
- It is simple to maintain, no got to high maintenance charges, therefore the owner will easily handle it.
- We can run it with less hardware, so no need to much hard ware devices.
- No need of large memory systems, it'll needs very less memory and comfortable.
- Have great quality and accuracy with smart uses.
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