Monday, 22 June 2015

embedded system training center in chennai

  Image result for logo embedded training wiztech

                     welcome to wiztech automation solutions 

Industry level experience on individual projects :

Each and Every module will contain a projects that has to be developed by students will be in industrial standard. Important aspects in developing software and hardware will be taught to the students such as Short Development Cycle(SDC), Circuit design, Logic implementation, memory reduction etc.So Wiztech will create a Red Carpet to the students towards MNC’s.

                                   Image result for logo embedded training wiztech

Hands On Training For Embedded System :

Depends on module,Students are provided with development board inorder to do their practicals and projects in a live manner. Wiztech Embedded team will guide them through impelementing the concepts in real time projects and give them 100% practical experience in each and every projects.

                                                     Image result for logo embedded training wiztech

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